Saturday, January 9, 2021

Violence now embraced and emboldened...

Whether supported by the Left or the Right, whether justified by the Democrats or the Republicans, whether conducted by Antifa, BLM or MAGA, Nonviolent Protests turning into Violent Riots are consistently rightful Nonviolent Protests turning into unjustifiable, unethical Violent Riots.

Such violence now embraced and emboldened, will justify and expand further, the next event worse than the previous, until ALL ethically, equally condemned as abhorrent even monstrous!

As I have stated before...

Immediately preceding the violent act is the transitional prerequisite Presumption, as conceived initially, festered subsequently by Covetousness. The moment Covetousness ponders some course of action to confiscate an object, intrude a condition or manipulate a behavior by violence or force against the dissented, Presumption forms then swells. It is by Presumption’s cancerous effect, Covetousness insidiously expands to further coveting a posture superior, Aryan-esque even God-like over fellow specie members per the aforementioned disregard and disrespect.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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