Tuesday, January 5, 2021

If free to choose gender, should not race and origin be so optional...

If free to choose gender, should not race and origin be so optional without being accused of appropriation and/or lying (i.e. Hilaria/Hillary Baldwin), else gender transformation should be equally critiqued as gender appropriation as well. That is to suggest, CONSISTENCY as paramount in establishing LOGIC therefore FACT, REALITY and TRUTH.

Why arbitrarily limit ourselves, perhaps consider as fact, reality and truth any voiced preference regarding age, specie, planet, vitality (dead versus alive), and any other personal characteristic, status, history, etc.

And shall we evolve and advance ourselves further by lastly expanding fact, reality and truth to encompass any opinion stated, any word uttered, any yelp, grunt, hiss and whistle expressed. Only then, we would be free of all artificial even inhumane constructs like actual substantiated facts, realities and truths.

Astonishingly, such commentary and satire (above) ironically eludes a society with unprecedented diplomas, degrees and PHDs. Perhaps better understood the academic, intellectual void if to account the debt underwriting the weekly arrivals of newly conjured norms and standards posing as principles and moralities.

This digression will continue as so long societies and their governments ignore even reject the Singular Human Right to Consent or Dissent on ALL matters, the sole expression of the Peculiar Human Ability to Reason.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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