Friday, January 29, 2021

Regardless the climatic future, government intervention is NOT the answer...

The mostly politicized conversation about climate change leans heavy towards global warming as demonstrated by President Biden's economically reckless executive orders of late (in record numbers), while some have proposed and continue to insist on a forthcoming mini ice age else phenomenal cooling trend.

Beyond the much confident swagger and arrogant bluster on the matter among politicians, bureaucrats (posing as experts), journalists as well citizens, very few have the data access, even fewer have the appropriate knowledge and fewer still have the analytical skill.

Regardless the climatic future, government intervention is NOT the answer, NOR destroying jobs even companies by stroke of a politician's pen while issuing government regulations, taxes, subsidies, grants, contracts and more. Rather, polity and society must allow uninhibited discussion and debate by science so to determine potential conditions, and uninhibited speculation and innovation by industry so to determine potential solutions.

As a starting point, all involved would do well if to heed the economist Thomas Sowell's observation and conclusion when he accurately explained...

"There are no solutions, there are only trade-offs; and you try to get the best trade-off you can get, that's all you can hope for."

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