Sunday, January 24, 2021

The lockdown, an unexpected gift???

"The lockdown, an unexpected gift to refocus on priorities, goals thus life."

Such bizarre even disturbing online comments even adulations for lockdowns populate the internet. Obviously stated by those financially unaffected hence selfishly naïve or insensitive, therefore NOT economically devastated NOR entrepreneurially ruined as so many are by unilaterally mandated "despotic" lockdowns. Curiously, would the same ones make the same claims amid escaping or experiencing reeducation, labor or death camps, tortuous interrogations, Schutzstaffel curfews, Martial law, police states, maniacal dictatorships, tyrannical regimes and more?

Meanwhile interestingly enough, lockdowns in one week's time went from scientifically, medically necessary thus impose, enforce and extend indefinitely, to no longer required (by some) else "we will have nothing left to open" per iron-fisted Governor Cuomo's recent epiphany. 

The tyranny and lunacy must stop as well the "odd" rationalization and patronization for them.

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