Saturday, January 9, 2021

Today's dire events well rooted in early American history...

Today's dire events well rooted in early American history...

Therefore United States of America in the 21st century as digressively led by Bush, Obama, Trump and now Biden, as executively pursued, presided and purposed, as legislatively collaborated, colluded and conspired, as judicially encouraged, endorsed and enabled, as militarily expanded, exacted and exasperated, as monetarily distended, deflated and decimated thus economically bubbled, bloated and busted while educationally preconditioned, predisposed and propagandized along journalistically precluded, promulgated and propagated...

Consequently the dire reaping of 2021 per the bad seeding of 1787, again in 1792, the evidences observed merely by a few Anti-Federalists and other lesser notorieties...

1. Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia as intended by those who sent the delegates, to modify the Articles of Confederation, not to conjure a whole new scheme later regaled as the Constitution, a document to more easily (and grossly) expand government powers as later critiqued by Lysander Spooner (1808-1887).

3. Objection and departure of two New York delegates leaving one delegate Alexander Hamilton to remain thus the colony's contingency without a quorum.

4. Great Compromise compromised further as embodied in Article I, Section 2 per the text "excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons" institutionalizing dehumanization of fellow Americans Indigenous and African thus atrocities ongoing and forthcoming.

Pro-Federalists fiercely campaigned for the Scheme and newly contrived document the Constitution, as Anti-Federalists rightly condemned it. The latter lost, making way for Scheme Part II; the Bill of Rights. 

The second scheme was logically discerned by Alexander Hamilton as argued in Federalist Paper No. 84, although he seemed to kindly frame the intent of others as naively mistaken towards unintended consequences opposed to ill taken by well meant objectives. Either way, the Bill of Rights facilitated in short time a reversal of the constitutional interpretation from "whatever not written is forbidden" to "whatever not written is allowed" as manifested by such despotic decisions like Washington's 13,000 man march against a few West Pennsylvanians rebelling against a whiskey tax, Jefferson's unilateral purchase of Louisiana territories disallowing inhabitants to choose their own government and flag, Madison's blunder known as the War of 1812 and much more.

To ignore or justify these early events is to remain part of the causes for Great Oppression. of 2020s.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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