Thursday, January 28, 2021

Prologue and Epilogue from the poetic mystery Gnomes of Güemes

The prologue and epilogue bookend either side of Act I through Act V thus the poetic mystery Gnomes of Güemes, based on an Argentinean "alleged" sightings, taken from my 9th book The MEMPHIS NIGHTCLUB MURDERS & Other Poetic Mysteries...

Prologue - Like Leprous Refuse

Cruelly confined in early adolescent prime
By virulent kind, some line of genetic stain
Reined then harnessed thence stunted gains
His height and sight of unkind mien in face
Deeply traced, withered as a sage yet a page
Upstaged by the disease, arranged by deceit
Into seclusion, until his allusion and escape
Yonder the forest's shadowy drape, to take
Refuge, like leprous refuse, with the brood

“De, la, la, la... La, de, la, la....”

Epilogue - Rare Chortle and Tune

Midnight orb crested, while beams rested
Upon concluded malice, infested by silence
And inanimate alliance in foreseen degrees
Per moonlit corpses, three betwixt the trees
Between pond and shadows with tiny feet
Scurried and hurried in tumult and flurry
By rare chortle and tune into distant woods

“Neath autumn's fallen moon
The odd bairn slowly croons
Upon damsel's infant weeping
In keeping to crimson seeping”

“La, de, la, la... De, la, la, la....”

Copyright © 2018 by D.C. Quillan Stone

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