Monday, January 11, 2021

Facebook, Twitter and others have long digressed, now to irrecoverable depths...

Facebook, Twitter and others have long digressed, now to irrecoverable depths, where one must contemplate the benefit if any that remains, even possible detriment.

Although one newly popular site was conspiratorially taken down (another soon to follow), there are other viable methods for personal, casual, formal, professional communication. Remember, there are still email lists and many management applications for such, as well returning to MySpace, resurrecting GeoCities or Webrings, even Bulletin Boards and the dreaded USPS (or Pony Express 🙂, I digress).

My point. Facebook's and Twitter's monopolies are only a perception as so long consumers allow it to be. Instead of waiting for government to regulate further (which they should not other than cut all government contracts, collaborations and collusions), people could simply stop patronizing. 

This is the crossroad where I stand with much reflective dismay over this country's declination. With that said, to each his/her own. /

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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