Friday, January 22, 2021

If you prefer a party seeking...

If you prefer a party seeking the CONSENT of enough political supporters so to acquire enough political power for the purpose of imposing, intruding, confiscating, manipulating, coercing thus forcing upon the DISSENT of others, then parties like Democrat and Republican will certainly satisfy your covetously, presumptuously driven preference.

However, as stated in my forthcoming 11th book...

"Logically defined, Politics is the pursuit to influence and/or control political power, legal force, that is to say, the power thus force to manipulate and confiscate others' behavior and resource without their consent. The method to determine the use of power or force by democracy, oligarchy or tyranny matters not. The method to implement the use of power or force by communism, fascism or cronyism and their popular pacifier socialism matters not. For all are clashes between political prerogatives versus personal preferences, legal force versus human will, government taking liberties plural versus individuals exercising liberty singular.

Rather it is Ethics not Politics that desires freedom for oneself and all others thus a return to individual responsibility and risk. It is Ethics not Politics that seeks liberation from government's shackles and chains hung heavy upon everyone's person, preference, possession and property. And it is Ethics not Politics that insists the regard for one's own Singular Human Right to Consent or Not Consent on all matters, inseparably demands the respect for one's own Peculiar Human Ability to Reason on all matters. Politics is contrary even hostile to all such things."

See link for entire installment...

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