Thursday, January 28, 2021

Songs from the poetic mystery Bacchanal Aroma on Via Roma del Mare

Songs (verses) are scattered throughout the poetic mystery Bacchanal Aroma on Via Roma del Mare, based on a Sicilian legend, taken from my 9th book The MEMPHIS NIGHTCLUB MURDERS & Other Poetic Mysteries...

Song I by Filippo the Younger

O Woman, thou fairest as meadow's youth
By mouth upon tongue thy beauty dwells
So crestfallen our timidity, the sinner to truth
Whilst by love's troubadour, avidity swells

Song II by Filippo the Younger

O Woman, every care wanes by thy panes
Thine eyes, lovingly fain, as thou beguiles
Fiercely my mind of soul, rightly my pain
Departs by sight of twilight along thy smile

Song III by Filippo the Younger

O thy mind of soul, a rare wine that consoles
Hence bestows poetic epics and accorded tears
Amid storms of dreams then streams of throes
So hoist, by choice, colors of love, never fear

Song IV by Filippo the Younger

O the heart in body, fairest in thy nakedness
Restless is thy soul, divine in sensuous coil
To wander in thee by mind's voluptuousness
Fitly a troubadour's toil, his seed in thy soil

Song V by Filippo the Younger

O my soul that shivers while thy body quivers
By each thrust and trust of passion and reason
Thus lovingly, knowingly, amid thy two rivers
Drowning profound in thy soliloquy's season

Copyright © 2018 by D.C. Quillan Stone

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