Thursday, January 7, 2021

United States join the ranks of second and/or third world countries...

United States join the ranks of second and/or third world countries per now accepted even encouraged violence as norms as well mass distrust of two consecutive presidential elections, inhumane martial law (lockdowns), grossly unprecedented creation of fiat currency therefore gravely unrecognized economic decline, emboldened propaganda and expanded censorship upon already established bipartisan socialism, bipartisan police/military-statism, bipartisan imperialism, bipartisan paternalism/interventionism exasperated by government collusion and corruption widespread.

One indicator among others personally noted. As I observed in Venezuela during my 2009 visit to Caracas, Maracay, Choroni, Puerto Colombia/La Playa Grande, so now in 2021 the new American norm are partially stocked grocery shelves in perpetuum.

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