Monday, January 4, 2021

Do yourself a favor, follow Prince Michael von Liechtenstein's articles...

Do yourself a favor, follow Prince Michael von Liechtenstein's articles. The highest ranking among world's royalty perhaps polity too who outspokenly, continuously subscribes to economic freedom thus individual freedom. The below excerpt is from the attached article...

"The Western world was simply not prepared for any major crisis. Governments had already assumed too many duties and powers, to the detriment of individual responsibility, and had also neglected systems of civil protection. Political systems were unprepared.

As a result, governments started to declare emergency powers that encroached on citizens’ freedom. Unfortunately, we are now faced with the threat of a “new normal,” a post-Covid world where these restrictions will remain instead of a return to civil rights."

Prince Michael von Liechtenstein

The article and site also links to his biography. In there, Austrian Economics is not a reference to the country but a group of renown economists of coincidental origins Austrian Empire or Austria-Hungary; Carl Menger, Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk, Ludwig von Mises, F.A. Hayek, etc. Consequently, Prince Michael von Liechtenstein is also chairman of European Center of Austrian Economics Foundation Vaduz (,3397,c.html

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