Sunday, January 31, 2021

Such are governmental polities, social ideologies even formal isms...

The lie, deceit, scheme, fraud, subterfuge and more, each necessitating a measure of secrecy facilitating a measure of conspiracy upon collaboration and collusion, having no merit logically ethical nor benefit unanimously preferable, must sentimentally console else satiate, emotionally cajole else titillate, often by rhetorical trickery arrogantly pontificating else promulgating so to intellectually stimulate and morally advocate.

Such are governmental polities, social ideologies even formal isms, all requiring as well desiring some form of coercion, some use of force for implementation save one; Individualism, the human propensity, prerogative, preference thus singular human right to implicitly dissent if not explicitly consent on ALL matters.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

The attached image created and posted by the UK Liberty Party across the Atlantic a year or so ago. My gratitude... Follow me at

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