Monday, November 16, 2020

Perhaps the crux or conclusion, the Bill of Right singular...

Perhaps the crux or conclusion, the Bill of Right singular, midway in my soon-to-be-published 11th book. First 1/2 of the book, I spend time digging the hole as done for the entire 10th book (prequel). At this juncture, I plant a rustic but hardy post, nail to it the shirt-off-my-back sweaty, bloody and long worn as the proper flag (I pledge allegiance to no other), and then spend the second 1/2 of the book filling in the hole, regularly stomping the dirt around the base. I stand and will die by this post and shirt-of-a-flag called INDIVIDUALISM! At end of day so will each and every person regardless the unfounded ism thoughtlessly embraced and proclaimed, well confirmed by their own individualistic actions unaware... For convenience, providing the text below in addition to the posted quote...


If such understanding forms and foments, then solely amid ceaseless study, ponder and labor, concluding first in part, later in whole, to logically respect then ethically regard, hence fervently declaring then firmly establishing in this manner.

The propensity, preference and persistence upon observable practice by Each and Every Individual since first reasoned the Specie Human and Peculiar above all other species, thus consistently inclining, constantly insisting the Singular Right to Consent or Dissent regarding Each and Every Matter, indeed without exception as exemplified per unwanted prevention, unacceptable prohibition, undesirable preemption, unwelcomed intervention, unwarranted retroaction by persons ever covetous as well parties ever contemptuous whether private, religious, philosophical, economical, social, political, governmental and more.

D.C. Quillan Stone
10 December 2019

NOTE: To read installments Nos 139-141 in their entirety as well others, see below links....

No. 139 - Bill of Right
No. 140 - Bill of Right / 1st Reprise
No. 141 - Bill of Right / 2nd Reprise

... taken from my forthcoming book; More Proems & Poems on the Peculiar Human ABILITY to REASON, Singular Human RIGHT to CONSENT & Other Neglected Matters.

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