Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Promulgated "moral outrage and retribution" is appalling...

"I truly sympathize with those dealing with losing — it’s not easy — but at a certain point one has to think not only about what’s best for the nation (peaceful transfer of power) but how any future employers might see your character defined during adversity."

As tweeted by CNN journalist Jake Tapper.

Per the collective tweets by Mr Tapper, Ms Obama (see my previous post) and Ms Ocasio-Cortez (two posts ago), I am dumbfounded by the indication else implication regardless the intention; threats of blacklisting, ideological/political cleansing, shrouded by hatefully slanderous labeling. The three are opportunists like many others of the two major parties, perhaps superseding their political peers by their respective arrogances tweeted since the media's premature declaration of election results.

Lets go further...

The promulgated "moral outrage and retribution" is appalling as it is ironic, if to consider Mr Tapper and Ms Ocasio-Cortez having supported (and still do) monstrous warmongering abroad and Ms Obama's husband having expanded the same warmongering from two to seven countries (arguably more), indiscriminately fathering drone warfare while increasing acceptable collateral damage to as high as 40 to 50 civilians for every 1 targeted "alleged" combatant.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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