Friday, November 27, 2020

Prepare for another HUAC era...

Held then by many as patriotic regardless the insidiousness even treachery, prepare for another HUAC era (see note)...

This time, a similarly commissioned perhaps comparably named House Un-American Activities Committee will be far more insidious, far more treacherous, far more popularly patronized per the antecedent fear-mongering thus already implemented despotism. Merely swap words and terms; Communism for Covid-1984, political infiltrators for anti-social contraries, threats to democracy and liberty for threats to tonicity and safety. 

As covetously hoped and expressed in recent weeks and days by some outspoken political oligarchs and media cronies, overt blacklisting will return while most citizens comply, obey, suspect even notify the paternal government regarding neighbors, friends as well relatives. Presumption and arrogance have already inspired voluntary efforts in the degeneracy (ie. public dissing), as many fearfully distance from vocal dissidents. 

HUAC (1938-1975) often mistakenly associated with Joe McCarthy, though the latter's tactics elicits much deserving criticism, far more so should HUAC per number of people affected and the committee's duration.

See link for more about HUAC...

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