Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Latino vote, Black vote, White vote, Women versus Men votes, Rural versus Urban votes, etc...

Once again as previous electoral cycles, journalists and politicians among liberals and conservatives are referring thus grouping and analyzing the Latino vote, Black vote, White vote, Women versus Men votes, Rural versus Urban votes, etc., as though all herds instinctively, imperceptively likeminded. Not only is it insulting, but inhumanely reducing rightful Individuals to bestial collectives.

Whatever genetics or traditions one may share with others among specie, race, family and culture, do NOT equate to identical NOR similar propensities, prerogatives, preferences, persuasions, postures, philosophies, postulates, propositions, polities and more. As long such prevalence continues, so will arbitrarily enforced political, social, economical intrusions and irruptions as well inconsistently foisted illogical, unethical, immoral impositions and incursions, all long driven by covetousness then presumptions.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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