Sunday, November 8, 2020

More on Human ABILITY to REASON, Human RIGHT to CONSENT - Proem & Poem No. 202

Most likely to be published later this winter of 2020/2021, my 11th book entitled appropriately; More Proems & Poems on the Peculiar Human ABILITY to REASON, Singular Human RIGHT to CONSENT & Other Neglected Matters. The following will probably be included upon further editing, and front cover a slightly modified yet appropriate version of the previous....

PROEM & POEM No. 202 - What Is Democracy / 2nd Reprise

      So what is democracy if not majority rule directly by popular election or indirectly by popular representation, either synonymous to ochlocratic thus kratocratic mob rule upon government no longer hemmed strictly by an unchangeable constitution as held scrupulously by an unswayable government. Inevitably else immediately digressed when deemed unnecessary the unanimous consent quite elementary per any notion of ethical justification for governance initially as well continuously.

      Within the aforementioned context unfortunately boundless, United States’ post-elections of recent years then decades even centuries foregoing, per the unprincipled, unrestrained Democracy thus "might-makes-right" Kratocracy, have excited the Consented to perversely rejoice beside the victorious politician(s) and party, all in covetous anticipation to presumptuously, arrogantly even violently reign hence forcefully rule over the Dissented.


Ah the two grandest of parties then the unfathomable favors
The door prizes galore, raffles and more, so to indeed savor
Of sundry flavors, per the sweat on brows and blood on plows
Thus others’ labor much coveted, oft lifted as depravity vows


Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

Copyright © 2020 by D.C. Quillan Stone

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