Friday, November 6, 2020

"Vote is sacred!" per Mr. Biden... or is it.

"Vote is sacred!" per Mr. Biden, former Vice President and Democrat presidential candidate. Of course, all politicians have genuinely or conveniently stated something similar. The sanctity of the vote, electoral process even democracy or majority rule, along with any other political system, are NOT sacred inherently NOR ethical logically. Such considerations are governmental arrangements at most tolerable perhaps acceptable solely per "unanimous consent" previously then continuously. 

As I stated on Election Day earlier this week...

There is nothing honorable about unrestrained democracy, the absolute rule by majority, the malicious struggle for power, the preference then presumption of some coercively imposed upon others, the bestially kratocratic means towards forcefully covetous ends, the consented disrespectfully disregardful lording over the dissented ethically rightful; in a word, VIOLENCE!

Allow me to make it personal. If you disagree (as I assume of most people), I do not consent to your own preference for majority vote thus majority (or mob) rule over my person, preference, possession and property. Consequently while my dissent insist until desist, what remains as justifications are merely your covetousness and presumption.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Chance.

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