Saturday, November 14, 2020


We live in The MISINFORMATION AGE amid The GREAT OPPRESSION, as witnessed and understood by the critically alert.

For Orwellian speaking, truly War, Freedom and Ignorance have become Peace, Slavery and Strength per the propagandized "awakened minds" of the tempestuously obedient and timorously compliant. 

Upon it's birth, the Information Age paradoxically declined while technologically inclined. The technical advances thus incline go without saying. The decline was and is a simple matter of governments, corporate news and social media determining the tremendous uses then implementing their horrendous abuses. Consequently, the perpetuators of misinformation are the very self-proclaimed protectors of the public per aggressive and destructive dissemination and censorship.

This will not end well, for years in the making thus unstoppable as long the people remain unwilling to support even insist on uncensored, unhindered free speech therefore information accurate or agreeable as well inaccurate or disagreeable.

To note... CNN, MSNBC, FoxNews and fellow cohorts now report many patrons leaving popular platforms (i.e. their sites, F-cebook, Tw-tter, etc) towards alternative online forums and news sources, rendering of course misinformation and censorship less effective. Relentless, these corporations along with governments will cooperate (collude), collaborate (conspire) then soon target, slander, smear and accuse the alternative online forums and news sources with alleged questionable, divisive, harmful even criminal activities. It is digressively inevitable.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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