Sunday, November 1, 2020

As Twitter's stocks plummet...

As Twitter's stocks plummet per last week's US Senate hearing over censorship, let us not forget...

Long before Twitter as well Facebook and Google politically, prejudicially censored, long before a US Senate committee subpoenaed the CEOs for the same censoring, the US Government collaborated (colluded) and contracted (conspired) with the same corporations so to conduct an array of unrestrained surveillances upon the citizenry. And long ago, Edward Snowden and others exposed all this. Were there then US Senate outrage therefore subpoenas and hearings over unconstitutional surveillance as now for unconstitutional censorship? No, of course not!

The censorship by big-tech companies of recent months and years were well enabled by government/corporate collaborations and contracts, therefore publicly funded crony behavior oppose to free enterprise competing in a free market. Thus the solution is NOT more government oversight but RESCISSION of those arrangements as well RESCISSION of surveillances upon the American people.

D.C. Quillan Stone aka The Rescissionist

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