Monday, November 9, 2020

Michelle Obama sharply criticizes Trump voters...

Michelle Obama sharply criticizes Trump voters for supporting "lies, hate and division" and says "dignity will return to White House." 

Is not her statement in itself as untrue, hateful and divisive? And what career politician, having accumulated wealth in public office, can proffer any measure of dignity? In addition, who allowed, supported even encouraged (i.e. Ms Kamala Harris during a campaign interview) the rioting, threatening, assaulting, destroying, torching while slandering, cancelling and more?

Additionally and digressively, a temporarily defeated major party will not risk irrelevancy going forward, rather will consider similar strategies in the future. Thus the proactive slander by Ms Obama and preemptive threat by Ms Ocasio-Cortez (see my previous post) in desperate attempts to thwart subsequent retaliations if you will.

With that said, no one is clean hence should not be surprised. For upon nearly 20 years of inhumane warmongering of course bipartisan supported, perpetuated and expanded, such popular acceptance of violence abroad have merely become acceptable here for political/social expediency.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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