Saturday, November 28, 2020

Verses taken from my forthcoming 11th book...

Father, forgive thence forget, for often humanity resents
The whetstone your Divinity as well History represents
Besetting the haughty mind, renting the gluttonous heart
Tormenting the boldly depraved by Truth’s fierce darts

Startled as harts per Hunter of souls, Hound of Heaven
Thus shade of His Hand outstretched, dynamic deafened
Law invisible, ever indivisible, an ineludible principle
Politically despised, privately prized; Consent immemorial

Prerogatives headstrong against Presumptions prolonged
The former cyclically outdone by the latter’s plainsong
Till last sustainable rung then flung to ground the schemes
Victims’ dreams too, as such catastrophes usually teem

O the wailing and gnashing of teeth upon Pride’s fall
The inevitable crumbling of all Isms’ truculent kraals
Yet amid the prod-marked people rise the demi-saviors
As flesh revered thus propensity for covetous behavior

D.C. Quillan Stone

Verses taken from my forthcoming 11th book...

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