"Wearing masks are a patriotic duty" per despotic even fascistic President-Elect Biden...
"Patriotic duty" have been a term thrown around for decades to elicit support, compliance even obedience, a mere political ploy. National Patriotism is another form of Collectivism thus anti-Individualism.
Simply, there is no absolute definition for Patriotism. Soldiers and citizens of other countries, governments and flags are potentially as patriotic, loyal and proud as American soldiers and citizens. If the notion of Patriotism rests on ideas or principles, then who defines, who decides, who determines, and who instructs, insists even imposes such definitions, decisions and determinations.
If to say Patriotism is about Liberty, then one has created an oxymoronic even unethical dilemma, for the latter is Individualistic while the former Collectivistic. For upon two persons with two different and conflicting patriotic intents, by what logical, consistent thus absolute standard justifies one over the other.
If to be logically consistent and ethical, Patriotism must align with Individualism and no more, that is, the respect and regard for the one natural law, one morality, one ethic therefore the singular human right to consent or dissent on ALL matters. Literally on ALL matters, else in direct opposition to Individualism.
Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.