PROEM & POEM No. 127 - Ethics versus Politics / 2nd Reprise
Individualism is simply the consistent regard for each and every person's prerogative thus right to consent or dissent on all matters. Literally on all matters! Additionally and inseparably, the constant respect for each and every person’s ability to reason precedes the prerogative thus right to consent or dissent, the sole manifestation or conclusion of human reasoning. Once logically rejected the ill constructed definitions for Individualism as often asserted in classrooms and public forums such as selfishness, greed, antisocial, reclusion and more, it is quite plain to see the one and only ism as strictly an ethical consideration therefore nonpolitical.
Obviously, some or many individuals may choose to be selfish, greedy, antisocial, reclusive and more, yet these particular choices do not define Individualism. Rather, Individualism is the act of reasoning then choosing, that is, one’s consenting to this or dissenting to that, while respecting and regarding others’ act of reasoning then choosing whether similarly or differently, that is, their consenting to that or dissenting to this.
However as a related perhaps tangent consideration, it is logically appropriate if not imperative to reserve the word “greed” for those resorting to force criminal by gun or force political by vote, of course upon self-interest becoming distorted then perverted per covetousness then presumption. To exemplify, alleging corporate heads as greedy thus deserving punishment by regulation, taxation even breakup of holdings, is as flippantly arbitrary, recklessly irresponsible as the currently popular equating of mere accusation or exoneration to substantiated evidence or justice, additionally as unethical as any other form of defamation and coercion.
In stark contrast, quite political are all other isms by their covetousness then presumption of every form of force expedient so to impose, intrude and intervene upon Individualism, therefore regulate it, tax it, fine it, license it, ban it, sanction it, expropriate it, confiscate it then manage it, manipulate it, hinder it, reduce it, eliminate it, prevent it, preempt it, surveil it as well criminalize it, incarcerate it, torture it, abort it, euthanize it, terminate it, execute it else invade it, destroy it, shoot it, bomb it, drone it, occupy it, terrorize it even annihilate it by modernity's most inhumane methods.
To critically note, these political isms possess no line, no standard, no principle hence rendered incapable to determine and distinguish those things right versus wrong, moral versus immoral, that is to logically say, nonviolent versus violent, ethical versus unethical. For they begin and continue by covetously, presumptuously and expediently exacting force against one or more person's prerogative thus right to consent or dissent on one or more matters, hence ignoring, dismissing, rejecting, despising even hating human reasoning therefore Individualism. Any other assessment on the subject is self-serving fantasy perhaps folly.
Convinced by complexity, confounded by dishonesty
Mendacity, calumny, while calloused to inconsistency
Resorting to colloquies of obloquies as though discourse
Contorting the actual to emotional as a whirlpool force
Lies repeated twice thus truth, recited thrice hence sacred
Documented as stated, instituted thereby consecrated
Banners as idols, anthems as hymns, pledges as prayers
All unaware rank-and-filing backwards down the stairs