Friday, July 5, 2019

Some in government want to apply Anti-Trust laws to Amazon

Some in government as well society want to apply Anti-Trust laws to Amazon's "alleged" monopoly or predatory practices.

If Amazon is a monopoly or predatory corporation as alleged, it is what it is per the preferences and choices freely made by the consumers. However, if government is a monopoly or predatory institution as well practiced, it is what it is per the legislation forcefully and punitively exacted upon the citizens. Yet the social, political outrage is towards the former. Astonishing!

With that said, there are what appears as corporate monopolies, although in those cases there always lurks in the shadows government regulations, fees, fines, contracts, loans, subsidies, bail-outs that intentionally facilitated unfair advantages. Consequently, government should not breakup corporations large per consumer-popularity, instead, simply remove said facilitators. However, it is also astonishing few seem to be aware or care.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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