Tuesday, July 2, 2019

For too long our leaders have failed us... per Tulsi Gabbard

"For too long our leaders have failed us, taking us into one regime change war after the next, leading us into a new Cold War and arms race, costing us trillions of our hard-earned tax payer dollars and countless lives. This insanity must end."

Tulsi Gabbard

Military veteran, Hawaii congresswoman and Democrat presidential candidate.

Ethic logically understood would compliment a Republican president when he cancelled an airstrike and visited North Korea, then consistently compliment a Democrat congresswoman for sharply criticizing US foreign/military policies. However, politics squabble and bicker over various uses of force thus encouraging government leaders, journalists and supporters to arbitrarily discredit as well opportunistically slander.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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