Wednesday, July 3, 2019

My own paraphrase of St. Matthew chapter 25 (may God forgive me)...

An alternative consideration for this 4th of July; my own paraphrase of St. Matthew chapter 25 (may God forgive me)...

When the Lord comes and all the holy angels with him, then shall He sit upon the throne of glory, He shall judge both the great and small, each according to their deeds. And before the Lord shall be gathered every tribe, nation, empire, as well United States rightly last for priding herself as first.

Alas the Lord shall open the books the final time, recorded therein shall be every thought and every act committed against the Creator of heaven as well his creation on earth. Like thunder He shall declare His word. Like lightning He shall cast His gaze. Then shall He judge the multitudes from all tribes, nations, empires, then will come the multitude rightly last for priding herself as first, and the Lord shall say, "You falsely accused me and spied on me, you jailed me then tortured me, shot me, bombed me, droned me while starving me, robbing me, raping me, killing my children, slaughtering my cattle, burning my fields as well destroying my home, my marketplace, my school, my house of prayer, my workplace therefore my people. You did these blasphemous things aggressively without cause, relentessly without mercy, covetously disregarding and inhumanely disrespecting each and every person and their privacy, preference, possession and property."

Then the multitude, rightly last for priding herself as first, will cry out in a single loud voice, "O Lord of All! When did we falsely accuse you and spy on you, jail you then torture you, shoot you, bomb you, drone you while starving you, robbing you, raping you, killing your children, slaughtering your cattle, burning your fields as well destroying your home, your marketplace, your school, your house of prayer, your workplace therefore your people?" And the multitude will wail then gnash their teeth, crying out again, "O Lord of Hosts, we beseech you! When did we do these blasphemous things aggressively without cause, relentlessly without mercy, covetously disregarding and inhumanely disrespecting each and every person and their privacy, preference, possession and property?"

Behold the multitude, rightly last for priding herself as first, will fall mute and prostrate by the heaviness of fear, and the Lord of All shall answer as a roar of rushing waters, "Verily I say unto you. Inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least among those created in our image, you have done it unto me." And suddenly, there shall be a great silence...

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath (2 Tm 2:15 / Cl 3:23).

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