Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Yet never the headlines are the untold numbers killed....

Unprecedented then, Obama dropped 26,000+ bombs during his last year as commander-in-chief, some reports as high as 30,000+ bombs. Destroyed were not only actual military targets though always with high or incalculable collateral damage (i.e. civilians...of all ages), but markets, schools, hospitals even wedding parties as well. Not to be outdone, Trump has exceeded those numbers per recent statistics, while both he and Obama have supported the Saudi government exacting the same sort of wanton carelessness for humanity upon the Yemeni people.

Yet never the headlines are the untold numbers killed; children, elderly, patients (and medical staff), mothers with infants or unborn, fathers too, etc. Instead, news media are maniacally hyped over presidential tweets, political speeches, election debates, conjured issues, imaginary crises, while citizenry and polity alike obsesses over partisan trifles even juvenile squabbles and adolescent slanders. Still, the Bush-Obama-Trump wars or warmongering continue, ignored or excused.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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