Wednesday, July 17, 2019


INDIVIDUALISM is simply the consistent regard for each and every person's prerogative to consent or dissent on literally all matters. Upon logically rejecting all other ill constructed definitions, it is the only Ism ethical therefore nonpolitical. All other thus political Isms covet then presume any form of force expedient so to regulate it, tax it, fine it, license it, ban it, sanction it, expropriate it, confiscate it, manage it, manipulate it, prevent it, preempt it, coerce it, eliminate it, criminalize it, incarcerate it, abort it, euthanize it, torture it, terminate it, execute it, invade it, occupy it, terrorize it even annihilate it by modernity's most inhumane methods.

Critically noted, all other thus political Isms possess no line or standard to determine what is ethical, for each begin and continue with covetousness then presumption as well some form of force against one or more person's prerogative to consent or dissent on one or more matters, hence ignoring, rejecting, despising even hating Individualism. There is no other logical view.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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