Monday, March 16, 2020

On surface it may appear United States transformed overnight...

Lets be clear, Fascism is not Racism for its far worst per a top-down regulatory economy thus society, controlled largely till wholly by central government's elite few, thereby enslaving the entire population. Compared to Communism, that is, a bottom-up confiscatory economy thus society, controlled largely till wholly by central government's elite few, thereby enslaving the entire population. Both forms of tyranny may use Racism as well other means to such inhumane ends. With that said...

On surface it may appear sooner or late to some that United States transformed overnight into Fascistic-Socialistic governance, completely controlling the economy thus society by executive orders, solely caused by one or two catastrophic events... or so will go someday government's history books more or less. It is correct, United States have so transformed but not overnight, rather over the course of 100 years or more (I contend further back in US history).

John T. Flynn (1882-1964) in his book As We Go Marching (1944) suggested a comparison to 20th century United States per his survey of German history 100 years preceding the 1930s. See link for the free download of book (pdf/epub) else online retailers...

It is not too late to understand what is unfolding by rightly understanding history long unfolded, so to understand vicious cycles as repeated decisions of various ill sorts however cycles potentially broken if by rare and logical choices. The human specie's peculiar ability to reason allows for decisions of the greatest benefits as well of the gravest detriments. Thus, first important decision is to study, ponder as well labor till last breath.

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath (2 Tm 2:15 / Cl 3:23).

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