Tuesday, March 10, 2020

How quickly people allow governments to digress to police-statism...

How quickly people allow governments to digress to police-statism in neighborhoods, areas, regions, states and countries, of course in the name of safety.

Either online coronavirus numbers are closely accurate thus governments strategically fear-mongering, or grossly inaccurate thus governments strategically under-reporting else inefficiently under-performing. Regardless, governments cannot be trusted to fully disclose so to rightly enable individual decisions.

Lets compare again per the related hysteria.

Either governments' publicly funded schools and universities have failed to facilitate critical thinking among the alleged educated population, or have succeeded to mitigate even negate critical thinking among the alleged educated population. Regardless, governments cannot be trusted to properly educate so to rightly enable individual thinking.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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