Friday, March 13, 2020

Government and it's crony-media have stoked well the fear...

Government and it's crony-media have stoked well the fear the last few weeks, even decreed in ways to exasperate. Now the fear is at a somewhat critical frenzy, as some politicians and their collusive journalists attempt to temper the fear thus contain the dangerously volatile situation.

A strategy by no means unique or new, for an expanding government or extensive empire (i.e. United States) uses fear to empower itself in various ways per various schemes; laws, regulations, bans, sanctions, taxes, fees, licenses, tariffs, programs, policies, bases, wars and more. Once imminent a near-uncontrollable level, the same fear-mongers reassure the public that all is in hand and in control. It is equally true, too much fear leads to violent responses beyond government's ability to manage so to remain in power.

Consequently, it is a matter of government strategically balancing between the covetously beneficial fear versus the excessively detrimental fear, while the people publicly educated and subsidized repeatedly, mindlessly dance and jump as marionettes upon each and every cue.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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