Saturday, March 14, 2020

A bubble "wildly" created by Federal Reserve's "unprecedented" monetary expansion

I am not saying there is no coronavirus nor concern, no more I would say there are no mole hills nor challenge. Neither however are the actual mountains casting far longer shadows upon us. The range of actual mountains for which to be concerned, are the political and social panic at near frenzy levels amid the bust hence end of an "unprecedented" 12+/- year economic bubble.

A bubble "wildly" created by Federal Reserve's "unprecedented" monetary expansion combined with US government's "unprecedented" expenditure domestically and militarily, as encouraged, supported, presided and executed by Bush, Obama and Trump administrations. A bubble foolishly created to mitigate ill effects by the 2008 bust of the prior bubble, as done for all previous busts of prior bubbles since 1913, kicking the old rusty tin can (day of reckoning) each time further down the road.

Thus the same goddamn mitigation already in progress. Whether this time or next, the deteriorating tin can will be kicked then will bounce against the unavoidable brick wall per an exhausted thus worthless US dollar, losing deservedly the confidence nationally as well internationally (i.e. petro-dollar).

What is the rot at core of these economic dilemmas; COVETOUSNESS always! That is to say, the unethical desire and violent pursuit to benefit oneself whether among polity or citizenry, right or left, conservative or liberal, majority or minority, rich or poor, deistic or atheistic, altruistic or egotistic, upon justifying otherwise immoral behavior so to petition, lobby, vote hence legislate the confiscation even extortion, manipulation even termination of others' property even possession, preference even person.

The last paragraph above is topically emphasized in my forthcoming book, utilizing quotes by John Locke and Francis Schaeffer as fundamental arguments. See Table of Content, particularly Nos. 147-149, at below link.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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