Saturday, March 28, 2020

If to choose, which should I fear more?

So far, 130,000+ cases of coronavirus for 2019/2020 season in the US, 2,300+ deaths, and projected to rise. (To be fair to both sides of the argument, I modified Friday's numbers I posted yesterday per this morning's reports. Still, I hold to my positions thus below critical questions.)

So far, 14,000,000+ cases of influenza for 2019/2020 season in the US, 310,000+ hospitalizations and 18,000+ deaths, and projected to rise.

If to choose, which should I fear more? Which would more likely overwhelm hospitals? Which of the two should be exhausting medical supplies and home products? And if for one why not for both, government executive-ordering so to shutdown schools, and businesses, cripple the economy, bail out corporations, print more money as well promote social distancing?

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