Sunday, March 15, 2020

In God We Trust?

In God We Trust? For decades Americans of both political persuasions placed their trust even faith in man-made institutions thus honoring the instituted branches, offices, departments, agencies, bureaus, police and military as well supporting the instituted laws, regulations, policies, programs, orders, wars, fair taxes and expected duties, therefore revering the instituted symbols, memorials, statues, anthems and flags.

Oddly even blasphemously, Americans placed on currency "In God We Trust" although trusting far more government's crony-bankers at the Federal Reserve while monopolizing and regulating the value thereof hence scheming and thieving by monetary expansion.

Instead of acknowledging the obvious failures by these man-made institutions and instituted measures, thus logically questioning their misplaced trust, faith, honor, support and reverence, Americans willingly, anxiously and fearfully petition for larger institutions and broader measures upon every disaster actual or otherwise caused by the same. The current disaster(s) actual or otherwise are no exceptions. Interestingly and paradoxically, the Left hope to reform government institutions towards some perceived moral future while the Right hope to restore government institutions back to some perceived moral past, however both gravely misguided with unintended consequences as well intended impositions if successful.

Am I saying the government should do nothing?

I HAVE, I AM and I WILL continue to say so! For not only government should do nothing but much less by rescission, rescission and more rescission until whatever remains as unanimously agreeable or tolerable. So of course trust God our Creator, for by divinely breathing into each dusty form His Likeness ergo uniquely instilling the Peculiar Human Ability to Reason manifested solely by the Singular Human Right to Consent versus Dissent on all matters, he created You the Individual then and since, not You the Collective.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

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