Friday, March 20, 2020

The same range of reactions and emotions... exists within media and government...

The same range of reactions and emotions among the general population exists within media and government. They are of the same biology and psychology as everyone else and no less subject to the ever-present human propensities for error and excess as well self-interest.

Consider the range of emotional reactions among your family, friends, acquaintances and online contacts, from the apathetic, nonchalant to the fearful, hysterical and in between every other psychological state. So it is for people within media and government even among the highest corporate desks and political offices from the top on down. Thus hysteria is running as rampant, lending to irrational, horrible decisions, mandates, orders with more to come. As a result, markets are crashing, economies declining, activities ceasing, supply chains breaking, compounding upon every new irrational executive measure at national, state, regional as well local levels.

Look. Government is self-serving even during troubled times perhaps more so. Priority One will not be your and my health nor well being but to remain in control, to maintain the power, all other considerations are secondary, tertiary if of any concern at all. The continuous growth in power since 1913 and earlier should be sufficient evidence of US government's covetous even obscene desire to serve itself first and foremost. Now add to the governmental equation the full range of reactions and emotions combined with propensities for error and excess common to us all.

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath (2 Tm 2:15 / Cl 3:23).

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