Thursday, March 19, 2020

We are merely witnessing an exponential surge upon decades of gradual momentum.

The economic crisis combined with the opportunistic seizing of power (of course in the name of safety) did not happen overnight nor per one presidential administration and certainly not caused by a pandemic. We are merely witnessing an exponential surge upon decades of gradual momentum. Each president and every congress since 1913 (arguably much earlier) have well contributed intentionally or ignorantly to political and economic conditions facilitating today's near police-statism and "grotesque" monetary expansion (or better said, abuse).

If my grandchildren, great-grandchildren and their generational peers do not understand 20th/21st US history in this way, they will be sure to vote the same way thus support the same sort of laws, policies and wars that have led to the disaster before us now.

During a Liberty Report interview hosted by Ron Paul and Daniel McAdams, Ludwig von Mises Institute president Jeff Deist described the Federal Reserve's decisions last weekend and this week as "grotesque". I wholeheartedly concur with his choice of word. The latest mass expansion of currency is as immoral even inhumane as it is misunderstood or ignored by the citizenry as well most of polity. Unfortunately, none will be able to ignore the resulting pain soon to come.

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath (2 Tm 2:15 / Cl 3:23).

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