Wednesday, March 18, 2020

What the f--k is happening; mindless hysteria, orchestrated collusion, convenient opportunity...

New York Times cited this morning 5,881 coronavirus cases in United States, while CNN categorizes the same number as a surge, tipping point, crisis, upon reporting the closing of the US/Canadian border and overwhelmed hospitals. To further understand the paradox, less than 100 have died thus most are recovering.

Am I exaggerating the disconnect between hysteria and reality? Lets compare above numbers with influenza for the 2019/2020 season per CDC's site/information. For the US alone...

36,000,000 – 51,000,000 flu illnesses
17,000,000 – 24,000,000 flu medical visits
370,000 – 670,000 flu hospitalizations
22,000 – 55,000 flu deaths

... Yet influenza each year never overwhelm hospitals, close borders, quarantine countries, crash markets, ban travel, cancel events, restrict gatherings, prohibit firearm/alcohol sales, nor seen as a surge, tipping point or crisis.

What the f--k is happening; mindless hysteria, orchestrated collusion, convenient opportunity, etc; the numbers should raise questions, not ongoing acceptance.

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