Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Bossing other men

"The proper study of Man is anything but Man; and the most improper job of any man, even saints (who at any rate were at least unwilling to take it on), is bossing other men. Not one in a million is fit for it, and least of all those who seek the opportunity."

J.R.R. Tolkien (1892-1973)

Yet "bossing other men" is the very essence of American politics whether of the Left or Right as well Moderate. The passionately extreme aspects or endpoints of the same linear political scale merely indicates a greater eagerness towards "bossing other men". For if one hopes for some conjured "better" society on behalf of others and proactively pursue it, the first strategy is persuasion, the second and inevitable necessity is coercion (force). In other words, it is the gathering of those who consented to the "better" idea in sufficient numbers, in order to forcefully impose upon those who dissented. This is the ethical failure of all political systems, including this country's democracy.

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Government's only tool is "force".

Government's only tool is "force". To ask government to do more, same or less is to ask government to use more, same or less force. Government possesses nothing else unless obtained first by force. Even what seems to be a benevolent or kind act by government, it must first use force to confiscate private resources, possessions and/or properties necessary to act and appear benevolent and kind. Any promulgated human right providing commodities and/or services must be preceded by government's use of force by confiscation and/or conscription.

Privately, we reason towards consent or dissent for all actions and activities, therefore resent any forceful intrusion by other individual(s) whether family, neighbor, friend, stranger, etc. We even appropriately judge as wrong, immoral or unethical the use of force against dissent.

Politically, we do not reason towards consent or dissent for all actions and activities, therefore accept any forceful intrusion by other individual(s) whether officer, soldier, bureaucrat, politician, etc. We even presumptuously judge as right, moral or ethical the use of force against dissent.

This dualism, while commonly practiced thus tolerated, accepted, desired even honored, cannot be resolved logically. There is no consistency hence cannot be considered as right, moral nor ethical, rather, merely arbitrary, presumptuous, arrogant as well violent.

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).

Monday, July 23, 2018

Two great contending principles at issue

"There has been in the history of mankind, in all ages, two great contending principles at issue---the contest of error against truth, and the struggle of truth with error. On the one side---error, with the violence of oppression, doing all that persecution can accomplish, in endeavouring to exterminate virtue from the moral universe; on the other---truth, with noble courage and exalted firmness, maintaining the purity of her principles in opposition to ignorance and persecution."

As quoted from Thomas Murray's 6-page biography entitled Sketch of the Life of Samuel Rutherford (1827, Edinburgh), thus included in subsequent 19th/20th century publications of Rutherford's book Lex, Rex (1644).

The aforementioned "violence of oppression" among the Moral Left and Religious Right per the perpetuation of error are in forms of educational propaganda, political/economic ignorance, unrestrained surveillance, widespread warmongering and more. Interestingly, both will read such quotes (above) and assume "It's the other party!" In actually it is they combined who impose various ill conceived Isms; Absolutism, Centralism, Collectivism, Socialism, Cronyism or Economic Fascism, Monetarism, Police-Statism, Militarism, Imperialism, Patriotism, Nationalism. All violently against Individualism; solely defined as the singular human right to consent or not consent on all matters per the peculiar human ability to reason.

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).

Friday, July 20, 2018

I say allow all foreign governments to openly meddle

I say allow all foreign governments to openly meddle in US elections. Even allow all 18+ adults worldwide to vote for presidents as well elect their own representatives and senators to send to Washington, that is, 18+ adults whose countries and governments have been meddled, influenced, manipulated, bribed, strong-armed, coerced, threatened, bombed, drone'd, covertly overthrown, overtly invaded, directly occupied and/or indirectly occupied (ie. military bases) by the Neo-Roman Empire. Such arrangement would be appropriate until the US government ends its presumptuously intrusive as well monstrously inhumane foreign/military policies.

"Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."

Matthew 7:5 (KJV)

To the Christian-American, I ask. When do you ever "consistently" apply scripture regardless of pride or difficulty, or do you conveniently render unto Caesar your principles along with your coins.

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).

Thursday, July 19, 2018

It is the oddest thing to me...

It is the oddest thing to me...

If talking to a typically ardent Democrat Obamamite or Clintonian regarding the government as a whole, they will have a mix bag of undying support for some issues, but sharp criticism even conspiratorial suspicion for other issues.


If talking to a typically ardent Republican Trumpster or Bushtinian regarding the government as a whole, they will have a mix bag of undying support for some issues, but sharp criticism even conspiratorial suspicion for other issues.


If sharply critical even conspiratorially suspicious regarding any part(s) of government, would not that posture at least cast a shadowy doubt on the entire system no matter the politician in office or party in control.


How is it some departments or agencies of government could deserve one's confidence even adoration, while suggesting apprehension even condemnation for other departments or agencies.

Observably, logically, inquisitively...

Why are some platform planks or current policies/laws lauded as morally necessary while others judged as horribly detrimental, when all fundamentally possess the same overlooked unethical characteristic; the consenting one, few, minority or majority forcefully imposing upon the dissenting majority, minority, few or one.


Calling a political process by the pleasantly sounding word "democracy" does not change the harsh inhumanity. For when disregarding the singular human right to consent or not consent on all matters for one million or one person, it is inseparably disrespecting the peculiar human ability to reason therefore denying a human being's sole distinction among all other species.

Comet let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Many in the media are calling Mr. Trump "weak"...

Many in the media are calling Mr. Trump "weak" per his recent meetings with Mr. Putin. I would prefer talking (or colluding) over bickering and blaming, for talking (or colluding) makes peace or nonviolence more likely. However, both parties seem to prefer imperial warmongering, international meddling, political conquering by social dividing, hateful profiling/stereotyping, personal slandering and professional/vocational ruining over talking (or colluding).

And since we are in this odd era of rash assumptions and unfounded accusations, my statement is not a wholesale endorsement of Mr. Trump's character and policies, just as I did not wholesale endorse the character and policies of Mr. Obama, Mr. Bush, and many others prior.

With that said, i would prefer a weak president, even a do-nothing, lazy president, completely preoccupied with his/her own vices. Perhaps then individual life, liberty and property here and abroad will marginally survive a bit longer. However, if a strong, motivated president, then one who favors NOT legislation for more laws and taxes but favors ONLY rescission of as many laws and taxes as possible in a term, as well an ending of all US foreign wars and occupations (ie. bases). Perhaps then individual life, liberty and property here and abroad will be restored.

Comet let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

So I propose TWO QUESTIONS to the self-considered pragmatist as well moralist...

So I propose TWO QUESTIONS to the self-considered pragmatist as well moralist who defends any system of government established, maintained and enlarged by rule autocratic (executive) and/or rule democratic (legislative, popular/majority)...

When is it not presumption to deny one or more persons the singular right to consent or not consent on all matters? And if not presumption, what kind of virtue is it?

When is presumption not unethical, and if acted upon not violence? And if not presumption nor violence, what kind of blessing or benevolence is it?

For more questions and considerations, look for my forthcoming book, to be available online (per sites Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, etc) and selected local bookstores....

100 Proems & Poems on the
Peculiar Human ABILITY to REASON,
Singular Human RIGHT to CONSENT
& Other Neglected Matters (2018 / iUniverse)

by D.C. Quillan Stone

Click link for draft version...

Comet let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).


Saturday, July 14, 2018

American news agencies have lost their relevance

American news agencies have lost their intellectual, logical even ethical relevance in favor of emotional, instinctive frenzies even bestial rapaciousness. All corporate news in this country have so politically aligned to the left or right, as well exemplified by CNN and FoxNews, hence the widening and deepening psychosis-like disconnect between obloquy and vagary versus colloquy and actuality.

This is not to categorize non-American news agencies as superior for unbiased reporting, for that is humanly impossible. As long as humans are reporting the news, news will be biased. However it is to categorize corporate news outside this country, as well exemplified by RT America and Al Jazeera America, as noteworthy alternatives, far more open to covering issues conveniently overlooked by American as well British journalists.

Call me un-American if one must, but I would far rather seek truth per a proactively broadened pursuit towards sources of information thus news, of course, as well history, economics, philosophy, psychology, sociology, praxeology (to combine the former) even theology. Unless omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent, truth can only be determined by challenging our own unavoidable human biases and limitations with the unavoidable human biases and limitations of others.

Comet let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).


Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Most do not actually support completely open borders

Most do not actually support completely open borders, for most do not politically support the necessary prerequisites by ending all forms of domestic and foreign interventions.

That is to say, the ending of all forms of Fascistic (top-down) and a bit of Communistic (bottom-up) Socialism supported equally by Democrats and Republicans alike, the ending of all forms of Fascistic and a bit of Communistic Economics supported equally by Democrats and Republicans alike, and the ending of all forms of methodologically Fascistic and consequentially Imperialistic Militarism supported equally by Democrats and Republicans alike.

Then and only then, by a completely liberated market as a subset within a completely liberated society of self-determining and self-responsible individuals, can this country allow the bidirectional free-flow of goods, services and labor (people) across completely open borders.

If Democrat and Republican politicians were truly honest to their constituents, they would expose their intentions. Regardless the short-lived even fantastical appeasement they might offer to their frenzied Romanesque mob, they have no intentions toward completely open borders. They would explain to their deer-in-the-headlight supporters the overhead and damage caused by Fascistic Socialism, Fascistic Economics as well Fascistic-Imperialistic Militarism, combined with the agitation and anger of those gravely harmed by these Isms, preclude completely open borders.

I do politically support the necessary prerequisites by ending all forms of domestic and foreign interventions, therefore I do actually support completely open borders.

Comet let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).

Again, if one is truly concerned about children being separated from parents by government's immigration policies and laws, they should consider the array of other laws that causes the same.

Additionally, the priority should not be the far lesser number of children "temporarily" separated from parents per US immigration laws, but the far higher even incalculable number of children "permanently" separated from parents by US bullets, bombs and drones. I know, no one gives a shit about those children.


Sunday, July 8, 2018

UPDATE: Just completed redesigning front/back covers...

UPDATE: Just completed redesigning the front/back covers (click covers or here to read on-line draft), consequently discarded working as well previous covers as shown among various proems/poems online. Meanwhile, editing manuscript a final time midway publishing process(es), thus to available in hardbound, paperback and ebook in 3-4 weeks... Click here for the 9 books published thus far....

Below is the interior author/poet photo...

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Economics is a science, not preferential, political even moral.

Economics is a science, not preferential, political even moral.

Economics become however quite preferential, political even (im)moral therefore publicly debatable, emotionally arguable even violently dividable per societies and governments departing from the science of it. Conversely, if societies and governments are publicly debating, emotionally arguing even violently dividing, then indicatively economics is no longer held as a science.

This economical, praxeological science, like all other sciences, pursues knowledge, observes consistences hence identifies causalities (causes and effects), that is to say, acknowledges immovable natural laws with unavoidable consequences when ignored or circumvented, inevitable benefits when considered and practiced.

Consequently, economics preferential, political even moral could be categorized as logically unethical due to the intentional or unintentional detriments and destruction exacted; the aforementioned, unavoidable consequences when economical, praxeological science is neglected or rejected.

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is a always a Choice (Mt 5:9).