Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Many in the media are calling Mr. Trump "weak"...

Many in the media are calling Mr. Trump "weak" per his recent meetings with Mr. Putin. I would prefer talking (or colluding) over bickering and blaming, for talking (or colluding) makes peace or nonviolence more likely. However, both parties seem to prefer imperial warmongering, international meddling, political conquering by social dividing, hateful profiling/stereotyping, personal slandering and professional/vocational ruining over talking (or colluding).

And since we are in this odd era of rash assumptions and unfounded accusations, my statement is not a wholesale endorsement of Mr. Trump's character and policies, just as I did not wholesale endorse the character and policies of Mr. Obama, Mr. Bush, and many others prior.

With that said, i would prefer a weak president, even a do-nothing, lazy president, completely preoccupied with his/her own vices. Perhaps then individual life, liberty and property here and abroad will marginally survive a bit longer. However, if a strong, motivated president, then one who favors NOT legislation for more laws and taxes but favors ONLY rescission of as many laws and taxes as possible in a term, as well an ending of all US foreign wars and occupations (ie. bases). Perhaps then individual life, liberty and property here and abroad will be restored.

Comet let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).


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