Saturday, July 14, 2018

American news agencies have lost their relevance

American news agencies have lost their intellectual, logical even ethical relevance in favor of emotional, instinctive frenzies even bestial rapaciousness. All corporate news in this country have so politically aligned to the left or right, as well exemplified by CNN and FoxNews, hence the widening and deepening psychosis-like disconnect between obloquy and vagary versus colloquy and actuality.

This is not to categorize non-American news agencies as superior for unbiased reporting, for that is humanly impossible. As long as humans are reporting the news, news will be biased. However it is to categorize corporate news outside this country, as well exemplified by RT America and Al Jazeera America, as noteworthy alternatives, far more open to covering issues conveniently overlooked by American as well British journalists.

Call me un-American if one must, but I would far rather seek truth per a proactively broadened pursuit towards sources of information thus news, of course, as well history, economics, philosophy, psychology, sociology, praxeology (to combine the former) even theology. Unless omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent, truth can only be determined by challenging our own unavoidable human biases and limitations with the unavoidable human biases and limitations of others.

Comet let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).


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