Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Most do not actually support completely open borders

Most do not actually support completely open borders, for most do not politically support the necessary prerequisites by ending all forms of domestic and foreign interventions.

That is to say, the ending of all forms of Fascistic (top-down) and a bit of Communistic (bottom-up) Socialism supported equally by Democrats and Republicans alike, the ending of all forms of Fascistic and a bit of Communistic Economics supported equally by Democrats and Republicans alike, and the ending of all forms of methodologically Fascistic and consequentially Imperialistic Militarism supported equally by Democrats and Republicans alike.

Then and only then, by a completely liberated market as a subset within a completely liberated society of self-determining and self-responsible individuals, can this country allow the bidirectional free-flow of goods, services and labor (people) across completely open borders.

If Democrat and Republican politicians were truly honest to their constituents, they would expose their intentions. Regardless the short-lived even fantastical appeasement they might offer to their frenzied Romanesque mob, they have no intentions toward completely open borders. They would explain to their deer-in-the-headlight supporters the overhead and damage caused by Fascistic Socialism, Fascistic Economics as well Fascistic-Imperialistic Militarism, combined with the agitation and anger of those gravely harmed by these Isms, preclude completely open borders.

I do politically support the necessary prerequisites by ending all forms of domestic and foreign interventions, therefore I do actually support completely open borders.

Comet let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).

Again, if one is truly concerned about children being separated from parents by government's immigration policies and laws, they should consider the array of other laws that causes the same.

Additionally, the priority should not be the far lesser number of children "temporarily" separated from parents per US immigration laws, but the far higher even incalculable number of children "permanently" separated from parents by US bullets, bombs and drones. I know, no one gives a shit about those children.


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