Thursday, July 19, 2018

It is the oddest thing to me...

It is the oddest thing to me...

If talking to a typically ardent Democrat Obamamite or Clintonian regarding the government as a whole, they will have a mix bag of undying support for some issues, but sharp criticism even conspiratorial suspicion for other issues.


If talking to a typically ardent Republican Trumpster or Bushtinian regarding the government as a whole, they will have a mix bag of undying support for some issues, but sharp criticism even conspiratorial suspicion for other issues.


If sharply critical even conspiratorially suspicious regarding any part(s) of government, would not that posture at least cast a shadowy doubt on the entire system no matter the politician in office or party in control.


How is it some departments or agencies of government could deserve one's confidence even adoration, while suggesting apprehension even condemnation for other departments or agencies.

Observably, logically, inquisitively...

Why are some platform planks or current policies/laws lauded as morally necessary while others judged as horribly detrimental, when all fundamentally possess the same overlooked unethical characteristic; the consenting one, few, minority or majority forcefully imposing upon the dissenting majority, minority, few or one.


Calling a political process by the pleasantly sounding word "democracy" does not change the harsh inhumanity. For when disregarding the singular human right to consent or not consent on all matters for one million or one person, it is inseparably disrespecting the peculiar human ability to reason therefore denying a human being's sole distinction among all other species.

Comet let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).


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