Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Government's only tool is "force".

Government's only tool is "force". To ask government to do more, same or less is to ask government to use more, same or less force. Government possesses nothing else unless obtained first by force. Even what seems to be a benevolent or kind act by government, it must first use force to confiscate private resources, possessions and/or properties necessary to act and appear benevolent and kind. Any promulgated human right providing commodities and/or services must be preceded by government's use of force by confiscation and/or conscription.

Privately, we reason towards consent or dissent for all actions and activities, therefore resent any forceful intrusion by other individual(s) whether family, neighbor, friend, stranger, etc. We even appropriately judge as wrong, immoral or unethical the use of force against dissent.

Politically, we do not reason towards consent or dissent for all actions and activities, therefore accept any forceful intrusion by other individual(s) whether officer, soldier, bureaucrat, politician, etc. We even presumptuously judge as right, moral or ethical the use of force against dissent.

This dualism, while commonly practiced thus tolerated, accepted, desired even honored, cannot be resolved logically. There is no consistency hence cannot be considered as right, moral nor ethical, rather, merely arbitrary, presumptuous, arrogant as well violent.

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).

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