Sunday, July 1, 2018

Economics is a science, not preferential, political even moral.

Economics is a science, not preferential, political even moral.

Economics become however quite preferential, political even (im)moral therefore publicly debatable, emotionally arguable even violently dividable per societies and governments departing from the science of it. Conversely, if societies and governments are publicly debating, emotionally arguing even violently dividing, then indicatively economics is no longer held as a science.

This economical, praxeological science, like all other sciences, pursues knowledge, observes consistences hence identifies causalities (causes and effects), that is to say, acknowledges immovable natural laws with unavoidable consequences when ignored or circumvented, inevitable benefits when considered and practiced.

Consequently, economics preferential, political even moral could be categorized as logically unethical due to the intentional or unintentional detriments and destruction exacted; the aforementioned, unavoidable consequences when economical, praxeological science is neglected or rejected.

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is a always a Choice (Mt 5:9).


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