Monday, July 23, 2018

Two great contending principles at issue

"There has been in the history of mankind, in all ages, two great contending principles at issue---the contest of error against truth, and the struggle of truth with error. On the one side---error, with the violence of oppression, doing all that persecution can accomplish, in endeavouring to exterminate virtue from the moral universe; on the other---truth, with noble courage and exalted firmness, maintaining the purity of her principles in opposition to ignorance and persecution."

As quoted from Thomas Murray's 6-page biography entitled Sketch of the Life of Samuel Rutherford (1827, Edinburgh), thus included in subsequent 19th/20th century publications of Rutherford's book Lex, Rex (1644).

The aforementioned "violence of oppression" among the Moral Left and Religious Right per the perpetuation of error are in forms of educational propaganda, political/economic ignorance, unrestrained surveillance, widespread warmongering and more. Interestingly, both will read such quotes (above) and assume "It's the other party!" In actually it is they combined who impose various ill conceived Isms; Absolutism, Centralism, Collectivism, Socialism, Cronyism or Economic Fascism, Monetarism, Police-Statism, Militarism, Imperialism, Patriotism, Nationalism. All violently against Individualism; solely defined as the singular human right to consent or not consent on all matters per the peculiar human ability to reason.

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).

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