Monday, July 6, 2020

Regarding MASKS...

1. If you desire to Force me to wear a mask against my Dissent, that is Covetousness swelled into Presumption.

2. If you support/vote for a candidate and/or law to Force me to wear a mask against my Dissent, that is Arrogance festered into Violence.

3. If you are free to choose and wear a mask but remain discontented, annoyed, perturbed, agitated even angered until I am Forced to wear a mask against my Dissent, that is Perversion.

The above analysis is logically, consistently therefore ethically, applicably so for each and every matter private, public or political else quite arbitrary thus without principle ALL other considerations and determinations.

To importantly note, the burden of proof rests on anyone who disagrees. For to respect and regard others' dissent necessitates no further analysis to understand the ethic. It is an universal expectation since time immemorial. In contrast, to disrespect and disregard others' dissent necessitates some explanation and justification for the preceding covetousness and presumption. For to disrespect and disregard others' dissent by force, regardless the intent, is only possible upon first coveting others' freedom to prefer and behave, then presuming your preference and behavior supersede others' preference and behavior. If anyone suggests proof, then one must accept the same proof and argument for justifying every tyrannic or horrific act throughout history for preceding those atrocities too were covetousness and presumption.

The Rescissionist (aka D.C. Quillan Stone)

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath (2 Tm 2:15 / Cl 3:23).

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