Thursday, July 2, 2020

As of Wednesday, there is no official flag for the state of Mississippi...

Per logical therefore ethical reasons, I would rather the state remain as such indefinitely. For monuments, banners, flags, allegiances, anthems thus patriotism have always been contrivances and manipulations regularly utilized by power-grabbing, population-controlling, wealth-thieving, revenue-squandering and warmongering politicians, bureaucrats, agents, generals as well their cronies like professors/teachers, journalists, corporate heads, social activists, religious leaders and various other opportunists and propagandists.

A question for the moral critic of now retired Mississippi state flag and other Confederate-like symbols; are you prepared to consistently judge the US flag that have flown over inhumane, monstrous atrocities far more in number, gravity and duration? If not, then selective even arbitrary therefore entirely without morality, hence exercising mere convenient politics.

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