Friday, July 3, 2020

Quote and article by Daniel McAdams, President of Ron Paul Institute

Another example when it comes to trampling an individual's person, preference, pursuit, profession, purse, possession and property, both Republicans as well Democrats are to be critically judged and appropriately condemned per their inhumane contribution by action, advocating, angst or apathy. Damn them all...

"Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick loves to bluster about being a champion of civil liberties, recently blasting the hapless Dr. Fauci to earn red meat political points. But unfortunately then it comes to actually standing up for Texans who are seeing their livelihoods destroyed, who are seeing their civil liberties trampled, who are seeing an out-of-control governor ruling by decree in a manner that would have made King George blush, he's "all hat, no cattle" as we say here in Texas.

In Texas the Lt. Governor wields extraordinary power over the state's legislative body and could call the Texas Senate back into session to begin the process of ending Governor Abbott's insane power grab.

But thus far that former radio personality has done little more than preen in front of the microphone."

Daniel McAdams
President of Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity

See link for his entire article...

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