Monday, July 20, 2020

Possible cover and title for a booklet...

Possible cover and title for a booklet consisting of a few topically specific installments (as the one further below) from my forthcoming book More Proems & Poems on the Peculiar Human ABILITY to REASON, Singular Human RIGHT to CONSENT & Other Neglected Matters...

PROEM & POEM No. 167 - The Rescissionist / Part 1

      Various references cite federal regulations fast approaching 200,000 pages, as correspondingly aligned and additionally combined with criminal laws, tax codes, executive orders, directive policies, administrative bureaucracies, enforcing agencies as well near endless forms, applications, licenses, registries, stamps, seals, fees, fines, etc. Any exhaustive attempt to tally then total would be proportionately improbable to fully and accurately calculate as oppressively burdensome to completely and legally abide.

      To make matters worse, most if not all laws, statues, codes, regulations and orders are soon followed by legal, judicial explanations, exceptions, exemptions and expansions, always compounding then complicating intentionally or unintentionally, transforming what “might” have been some glint of consistency thus hint of simplicity, certainly toward blatant inconsistency thus flagrant complexity. The word “might” is rightly emphasized, for often legalities when first instituted possess some degree of deliberate inconsistency thus commensurate complexity for the benefit of the politically favored; corporations, unions, interest groups, political activists, economic brackets, social classes, electoral blocs, religious sects, academic elites and appallingly, ethnic distinctions as well government itself.

      As already suggested (see No. 165), politically inherent to these legalities, either the designated or undesignated is tolerated, allowed, accepted, favored, privileged and/or benefited, versus the other not tolerated , not allowed, not accepted, not favored, not privileged and/or not benefited even proactively harmed else terminated. Ironically upon some political opportunity, a targeted law’s inherency well intended, is conveniently declared a surprisingly shocking loophole, although the condemned inconsistency remains, cleverly promulgated as properly remedied while purposefully exasperated by simply more of the same.

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